That's not a viable pregnancy and if allowed to continue, will definitely result in the death the patient. Why is 13 suggesting she might keep the baby? House is right. Well, perhaps hasn't experienced the kind of grief that Wilson is experiencing, but in a way he's never stopped grieving for his leg. Wilson implies that House has never experienced grief. House does a really bad job of addressing it. Wilson decides to quit his job and possibly move. It works because the rest of the team is now focused on 13. No doubt this shift is partially a deflection since he doesn't want to talk about Wilson.

House officially outs 13 as having Huntington's.

Taub and Foreman are also concerned about House's relationship with Wilson. I assume the sexist jokes about the patient's boss are aimed at chasing off Cuddy. Apparently when House got out of the hospital he had one conversation with Wilson where he asked for time alone, and House has been hiding from him ever since. Was the ant she smashed in the elevator real or the start of her hallucinations? Please use the spoiler tag for spoilers about the current series: (/s "Everybody lies.")

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