If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: (I should add that the no-cd exe version in question was not a pirated thing but was installed to save my precious game disk, as I'm sure most folks here will understand.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Thanks for any addition light anyone can shine on this odd quirk. It is happily running on W7 Home Premium (64 bit) with the "Aero" desktop theme, & both versions of the game launch fine & run great. The laptop in question is an older HP (Pavilion dv6) with an AMD processor & Radeon HD graphics. I plan on removing the old no-cd version soon & sticking with the more *user friendly* GOG version I just thought I would ask about this odd little quirk before I consign that version to the recycle bin. Like I said, not a game-crashing question, just something that I was curious about. So I guess I'm just curious why the GOG version (which would theoretically be the newer, *improved* version of the two) needs my laptop in Basic mode while the *older* version doesn't. It worked fine - save for not being in widescreen & having to skip that dang movie - but the thing that struck me as odd was that this version didn't *require* the temporary switch to Windows Basic that the GOG version does.

However when poking around in my files today I stumbled across my old "no-cd exe" patch version of Emperor (thought it was on my old computer totally forgot I ever installed in on my laptop!) & decided to launch it & take a gander at some of my old saves there, to help jog my memory about city layouts & such. No big deal (it reverts the moment I close out the game) & causes no issues that I am aware of. Okay, so I (obviously) own the GOG version of Emperor which installed fine & is running (in widescreen no less) with zero problems so far (especially now that I learned how to disable the opening movie) with the incredibly minor *quirk* that when I launch the game my desktop changes to "Windows Basic" from its usual state. This isn't a "sky is falling" thing or a "my game is on fire" thing, but more of a "what's the difference" kind of thing that I thought maybe someone here would have more insight into than I clearly have,